I am a 50 year male, 6' and 180 lbs in very good shape. Currently, I'm not sexually active and haven't been for more than a year For the past week, I have been having urinary tract symptoms that seem to be getting worse. It started with a slight burn when urinating along with a whitish discharge throughout the day. About 3 days ago I woke up in the middle of the night with a painful erection. I felt I was experiencing blockage midway through my penis. I can squeeze it and feel a hard spot inside, but it doesn't block the flow. The pain was very intense with my erection in a certain position, such as on my back. I had to roll to my side in order to bear it. I also noticed the discharge flowed more while I was erect and if I stroked it, the discharge came out a lot, but it's not the same as ejaculation. It also felt very painful if I tried to grip and stroke it as if I was masturbating. Now for 3 days, these same symptoms occur each and every time I have an erection and discharge throughout the day. I don't really feel burning when I urinate anymore. The knot in my penis (feels about the size of BB) is still there. Today, my stomach feels and appears bloated. Does this sound like prostate, gallstones, UTI or something else? I was told about 10 years ago I had sludge in my gallbladder.