I am a 50 year old female. I have been having trouble with generalized edema, thinning hair on top, muscle knots, tired all day, trouble goi g to sleep at night. I have been diagnosed with hypothyroid, fibromyalgia, CFS, rhuematoid arthritis, and inactive lupus. My blood pressure is around 107/63 on the average, sometimes lower and sometimes higher. I also have allergic reactions to so many things including food. I have been to the dr for the edema too many times to count and have never gotten answers as to what is causing. My daily diuretic (hydrocholoratiazide) doesn't even phase it. Furosimed 40 mg worked good for short term but leaves me exhausted. I'm also on methotrexate and armour thyroid. Thyroid tests show normal. What to I need to ask the dr to look for? I'm wondering if all of this could be triggered by allergies. I'm on a very strict allergy diet and it seems like when I accidentally eat something I'm allergic too it triggers the swelling. Any ideas?