I am a 53 year old female in fairly good health. I am a smoker, I do not drink alcohol and I have a fair diet. I am not over or under weight. I weigh about 115 pounds, 5'5" tall. I have had a raspy, hoarse throat for about 2 1/2 months. I was thinking it was from using a vapor e cigarette, because it started shortly after using the vape for a couple of weeks; although previously I had not had this hoarseness from using the e cig vapor cig for the same amount of time, same type of e cig. I stopped using the e cig vape at least 6 weeks ago, the hoarseness and raspy voice continues. I have smoked cigarettes for 35+ years. In addition to the hoarseness and raspy voice (I can barely speak at times, very raspy and hoarse) I broke out in a rash about 1 week ago. I believe I was exposed to poison ivy/oak/sumac (one or the other - not sure which). The reason I say this is because my granddaughter had poison ivy and I was around her and was also walking in the area where poison ivy/oak is rampant. The bumps and rash looked exactly like a poison ivy rash, red with a little blister with a little fluid in the blisters. It's itch and spreads when scratched. I used calamine, Benadryl (oral), caladryl, Ivarest, and even diluted bleach trying to dry it up, kill out the poison, and keep it from spreading. The bumps and itchy skin is a little better, starting to dry up some. I've had poison ivy before and it does look the same and feel the same as before. I am very concerned though, given the fact that I have had this other throat thing going on for a LONG TIME....and now the rash. Could they be related and not two separate things?