I am a 54 year old Hispanic male, 5'10", 225 lbs, and in good shape. I have a long history of high blood pressure and have been on 40 MG of Amlod/Benaz 1 capsule per day for the last 4 years.
I also am on 300 MG of Bupropion HCL 1 pill daily for the last 5 years. In addition, I take
60MG of Duloxetine 1 capsule daily for the past 5 years. All prescribed by my Doctor.
Over the past month and a half, I have been mildly sweating on my scalp areas consistently and drenching my pillow at night with night sweats. I am concerned and would like your opinion, I maintain a good diet and drink plenty of water.
Thank You,
John Iniguez