I am a 58 year old female with well controlled asthma and no other chronic health issues. This is what has been going on...
Dec 9 –UTI
Dec 26 – overall achiness, acute knee joint pain, tired (daytime), fever, extreme joint and bone pain (night)
Dec 27 - Dr. Ashbeck – flu test negative, put on Benzonatate, Tamiflu
Fever, chills, headache, tired
Through Dec 30 symptoms went from flu-like to cold-like (cough, congestion – chest and sinus) started on Zicam, continued Benzonatate, Emergen-C
Dec 31 – felt MUCH better, went to friends house to play cards and watch TV for New Year’s (1:30 am – severe cough started again)
Jan 1 – temp 96.7, 96.9, 97.1, 96.9, 97.3
Sore throat, slight ear pain, headache, cough, light-headed, hands cold, feel like life is a dream/TV show, slight confusion (like when on anti-depressants), sweaty and clammy, chills/hot
Not sure if related in any way or not:
Past few months – chronic skin “infection” (pierced ears, earlobes); stomach pain (upper abdomen), fingertips wrinkled (like when dehydrated), rash (on upper inner leg, where the elastic from my underwear would be...not caused by underwear elastic because I had been wearing yoga pants without underwear for a few days prior to rash), frequent urinary urgency although minimal output (intermittent problem)
Can I wait until doctor's office re-opens on Tuesday or should I be seen by a doctor earlier than that?