I am a 58 year old wife mother grandmother and used to be an active business woman.
5 years ago my husband of 40 years wrecked our granddaughters scooter and hit his head caused a bleed had brain surgery and afterwards had seizures couldn't read write dress himself, personality changes, memory loss, woke me up every night almost fighting an unseen nightmare only to him. I suffered a neck injury and multiple superficial injuries. Went potty before he could reach the bathroom etc. I felt so alone except for God because when we would go to church he would talk to people like there was nothing wrong. He can now read, write has learned most everything over again. A year ago our 16 year old granddaughter cut her wrist and almost died because of something that had been ongoing with her stepmom. My Son which is her Dad is caught in the middle between his wife an daughter and because I took my granddaughters side , my Son has very little to do with me. I felt something happened to Me mental and my doctor said I had a nervous breakdown and wanted to put me in the hospital but I felt I could not leave my husband. I am seeing a Psychiatrist and he has me on 20mg Paxil and .5 mg zanax. I am so depressed and extremely tired I don't want to get out of bed. I go in the grocery store and have to leave my cart and go to the car to try and calm down. Sometimes I can and sometimes I have to leave and go home.
Any input you have would be very much Appreciated.