I am a 59 year old woman about 120 pounds. Had a heart attack 3 weeks ago just after swimming a mile, which I do 2 or 3 days a week, no risk factors good blood pressure and cholestrol. Since the attack I have been taking it easy just this week trying to get back into a light exercise routine. I have been feeling kind of dizzy or light headed since the attack and kind if fluttery in my chest neck area. Two days ago I had flu symptoms, very tired, dizzy palpitations joint pain and swelling, and fever of 103. I thought it was the flu. But now that the major symptoms are gone I still feel palpitations and dizzy. My heat rate is upper 80s to mid 90s blood pressure is good about 111 / 80. I use a catheter for a continent ostomy. I am out of town for the winter, but plan on seeing my Primary in Feb when I go home for a visit, so I didn't [plan on going to the cardiologist. The lipitor and 2 blood pressure meds made me feel like I couldn't stay awake so I am not taking them, I also don't think I need them because I have such good numbers. Now I am wondering if I have a bacterial infection in my heart I am prone to infections in my internal ostomy pouch for which I take cipro.