I am a 6 yr. 9 mo. Kidney transplant recipient. I take 2 mg. of Prograf AM and PM, as well as other drugs. I have A-fib and have been taking Eliquis 5 mg. AM and PM since Sept. 2014. My blood Prograf level has been increasing to almost 10 recently. It has always been around 4 to 6. My doctor just reduced the amt. of Prograf I am taking to 2 mg. AM and 1 mg. PM. WHAT IS CAUSING THE BLOOD PROGRAF LEVEL TO INCREASE? CAN THE ELIQUIS ALL OF A SUDDEN CAUSE THE PROGRAF LEVEL TO INCREASE?
Cardio version did not work, and Amiodarone increased my creatinine level by 3x. It took over 9 mo. After stopping the drug to return to a normal creatinine level! My heart wall is thickened, and am not a candidate for ablation.
CAN YOU PLEASE answer my questions, and give me your opinion, as I don't want to lose my transplanted kidney! Thanks you so much! Paula