I am a 61 yr. old female, 5'5", 208 lbs. I have had severe diarrhea and vomiting for the last few months. I ended up in the hospital with the following diagnoses: kidney stones on both sides, duodenal bleeding ulcer, cysts in spleen, gallstones, esophageal ulcer. I am on insulin for 30 yrs. now and have hypertension, severe fibromyalgia and have had quadruple bypass and cleanup of my right carotid. I take lisinopril and metropolol for blood pressure. I was diagnosed with celiac disease with a saliva test, but the blood test showed negative for celiac. I am going in for an octreotide scan monday and have been told to bring three bottles of mag. citrate with me. I have had diarrhea for the last four days. I am worried this test may kill me after my diarrhea and having to drink all the mag. cit. Any words of advice. They told me to eat lightly the night before and have a light breakfast the first day. Lyrica makes me dizzy. Also the ppi they have me on seems to interact with my other drugs. I shattered my left foot in 1999 and my right leg and ankles in 2013. I am very fatigued from all the meds and injuries.