I am a 64 year old female who is usually in good health and take no medications. About 4-5 days ago I started experiencing some body aches and thought it might just be the extra moving around I have been doing. The body aches became intense and a fever started 3 days ago. It raises to 103.1 in the wee hours of the morning and and I take 2 advil which calms it down to about 100.1 a few hours later. The cycle continues through the day... fever, advil, cold chills, but the worst is at night. The body aches are really bad all the time. No cold symtoms or other flu symtoms. No stuffy nose, watery eyes, headache, congestion, stomache ache diarrhea, I do have a little dry cough most lying down but not all the time. I don't have a primary doctor and feel too sick to set at an urgent care plus I am caring for two family members right now who need medical care and need every ounce of strength I have to keep that going. Neither of them have come down with any of my symptoms. Can you tell me from this explanation what could be some of the causes and if possible how I can best treat myself at home