I am a Chronic Pain patient. A legiment one. 54 yr. old female, who has been on Pain MEDICATION for 10 years now. Of course my pain medication has been changed Many times. I have 2 knees that both need to be Replaced. Many opinions all the same. My right leg is TWO inches shorter than the left now. It use to be only 1 & 1\4 inch difference! I was injured at 19 yrs. old. Hit Head-On by Drunk Driver. Put in Traction for 3 months, & then in a bodycast for 6 months, & so on until last cast removed 1 yr. After accident. Got in GREAT Shape for many years, NO MEDICATIONS, until I was hiking, & my knee locked up. I was 43 yrs old. I also have Disk C1, C2, C3, Compressed with Bone Spures. I have Rumatuid A. & Degenerative Disk Disease! My NEW doctor, after being on the EXACT same Pain Meds. Prescribed by a Specialist, for 5 yrs. wants to lower my Pain MEDICATION. Nothing about my Blood Pressure medications, or my Antidepressants, antianxiety, or 2 more meds. Only my Pain MEDICATION. The same with 2 other doctors, all who I saw ONCE, & that's their ONLY concern, all from Kaiser even though, Denver Kaiser doctor as fine with the amount after working with my Pain specialist in Boulder who put me on them. I now, for 6 months, live in Colorado Springs! None of then have ever seen ANY of my films.(that are over a year ago, & need to be updated), or even have done much work with my knees! 1 injection, in left knee! I can NO longer stand for more than 2 hours! Had a new Surgeon who was accepting me, but C.S. Kaiser has refused to Pay for him, so I am trying a different Orthopedic Surgeon. IS MY PAIN DOSE TOO HIGH? Moraphine ER 100 MG Tab. Extended 3 times a day, & Hydromorphone 4 MG 3 times a day for Breakthrough Pain. Please give me your answer! Kaiser doesn't have Pain specialist in C.S. I think I need to drive to Denver for Specialist?? I live by myself! I do EVERYTHING on my own, NO help from anyone, after AWFUL Divorce, & Custody Battle that left me Broke, & ' Broken'. I have to carry food, & ect. 3 floors up. I DO NOT have money to get any other meds., or to even drive to Denver. On Disability, & Medicaid.