I am a Type 2 Diabetic plus had a single bypass in 2011. I am on Metformin, Januvia, cholesterol and blood pressure meds, 1 full size aspirin daily. I find that when I stay on these meds I have swelling in my legs and feet. When I get off everything except the aspirin, I lose weight. When I get back on a week later I gain weight. My recent A1C exam shows my number dropping from 11.3 then down to 7.3 when I fluctuated my meds. I also have traditionally low cholesterol (under 180) but my triglicerides ran high, until I fluctuated my meds. Then it dropped in my most recent blood work to a manageable number.
When off, I have very frequent urination issues and of course I then have a high level of thirst. Of course when that happens I cannot get a good night's sleep.
I am calling my doctor to get an appointment to discuss these options. I do not want to get back into my legs swelling but also understand I need to control my diabetes. None of this is making any sense to me.