I am a casual smoker, no weight or appetite lose, weight 91kg, have some depression last 1.8 yrs so take nexetol 5 mg andoxetol150 mg since back 7 month, have 3.5x3-2 cm homogenious soft tissue mass enlargement of lymphoid cell on riht throat, a mixed population of cd-3+ve t cells,& cd-20 +ve b cells. Parafollicullar cells express bcl-2 follycullar cells have 70% ki-67.impression is morphology and immunohistochemistry suggestive of reactive LYMPHADEITIS. By auS guided nidle biobsy in HCG ( triesta) Bengalluru, India by Dr.Hazarika .a suggestion of biopsy given by Dr. Mahesh Bandemegal. Suggested orally an operation . Question --- how to cure it as looks it get enlarge more 2. Any medicine or operation 3., planning to go cmc Vellore after 2 months any other. 4. Any medicine foe the time being 5. Left smoking and taking Nicotex 4mgx4