I am a caucasian 32 year old female with a 7 month history of weakness in my legs, causing me to walk with a cane. I also have intermittent numbness in my lower extremities, and a loss of sensitivity over my whole body. I went to the Mayo clinic and had several tests performed over the course of the week. I was told my MRI appeared to have some hypoplastic red marrow, and my vitamin B12 levels were on the low side of normal. I was told to have my levels rechecked in 3 months, and that the damage caused by the vitamin B12 deficiency could take up to a year to reverse. Its going on 3 months now, with no real difference so far. My question though, is, why am I deficient?? It felt like we ran out of time to figure it out. And the biggest question...if we never find the cause of it, am i ever going to get better??