I am a female 20 years young, Well to start off , im going to be honest here Dr . Well I hope you are a Dr & can give me advise !(:. I'm going to be 100% honest here. All together , I had about 6 sexual partners in my whole life!. Everysingle one I never felt a good sensation with like to where normal people have while having sex ? Why?:( Is it me? I am verry concerned a bit worried actually. I only felt plessurable once with one guy like he was doing it right ..than all of a sudden that "good feeling" went away. I haven't thought about telling a doctor yet anyways, So decided to see if I'll actually get a response here. So all us humans have wants & needs right ? So sometimes I get in a mood you know . Horny.. So I go down there & play with myself I mostly like to rub my upper vagina called the clit I beleive..& all of a sudden it starts to feel good after a while . Than I feel shaky , odd , & REALLY WEAK to where I just have to stop what I am doing of course. I don't like the feeling. Is there something wong with me ? Will I feel like this forever? , even if I get a partner that plessures me? PLEASE let me know Dr I will verry so much appreiciate it. Thank you for your time reading this. I will meen alot to me if you would resbond back ...
Have a good day.