I am a female 24 yrs old with a height of 5'2" and weight is around 64kg.
I am having certain symptoms
Extreme Fatigue
Unable to concentrate or recall
Constant pain in knees, legs, hands, frequent swelling near ankle which worsen with overuse and subsides if in complete rest for a day or two
Swelling in left lining of ribcage & tenderness since 9 months
Feeling of very slight raised body temperature at night
Very frequent headache on one side either right or left or at front
Palms & feet stay too cold (icy cool, need to wear sweater in May June, Feel too cold at night)
feel too hot in sun
Sometimes feel too cold sometimes too hot
Gaining weight without change in any diet habits or schedule
Sensitive to pain and touch
Sometimes abdominal bloating occurs
Winged scapula left side
Persistent Pain at the back of neck ,backpain, shoulder pain
Left shoulder bone can be felt sticking upwards
Shortedness of breath
Mood swings
Constant discomfort in chest