I am a female and I am 19 years old. I lost my virginity when I was 17 and because it was a bad experience, I did not have sex again until 3 months ago. I've now had sex 9 times with 5 different people, always with a condom. I have recently entered a relationship with a man and have had sex with him twice in one week. He is absolutely wonderful and for the first time sex is actually feeling good. The first time the sex felt wonderful, I came, and then it began to give me a burning sensation. We had sex for the second time again last night and again it felt wonderful, I came, and then it became nearly unbearable. I was lubricated and turned on.. We even tried different positions, but it was burning so bas around the outside opening. I thought perhaps this was just because was new to sex that was longer then 20 minutes...? I went to the bathroom after and found that i was bleeding a little. I bled a little after the first time too. I am a little worried I might have an infection.. Should I go see my regular doctor? Fyi I just went on the pill 9 days ago.
Thank you.