I am a male, 71 years old. Both of my breasts are tender to the touch (nipples and the surrounding area).
This started and has not disappeared in the last 6 months. I have consulted several doctors and none of them offered any idea of what causes this. I was diagnosed with lung cancer in the upper lobe of the right lung by my family doctor on July 15, 3015. I was referred to Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD. I have had a CT/CT Chest W IV scan on 7/21, a NM/PETCT Intl scan (skull to mid-thigh} scan on 7/26, a Bronchoscopic exam on 7/29, a lung biopsy on 8/11, and a brain scan (above the eyebrows) on 8/22 at the Spencer Hospital, located in Spencer, IA. The final diagnosis was that I had NSCLC (Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).
I had surgery to remove this large tumor on Sep. 26. 2016. I have an appointed tomorrow, Oct. 17 with an oncologist at the Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD. Can you give me any possible answers to this perplexing condition. I sincerely appreciate any advice you can give me.