I am a sixty-six year old female in good health. Yesterday I awoke with a sore throat and a dry nagging cough. During the course of the day, I developed a fever (highest was 102.4.), a severe headache, chills, muscle aches and fatigue. I assumed I had contracted the flu. (I am not able to get a flu shot, as I'm allergic to eggs.) Later last evening, I developed a racing heart rate, above 120 bpm. Needless to say, I felt pretty crappy and went to bed early but didn't sleep well because of the cough. This morning, the cough is more productive, the fever is back and I still feel pretty awful. The things that concerns me first of all is the headache (my bp is normal) and secondly the racing pulse. Are these things symptoms of the flu? Or should I be more concerned?
Thanks for your time.