I am a very nice lady truck driver. I am a christian. I pray, I attend church every Sunday. I run the sound system. I enjoy being useful, but not used. I am planning on taking my yearly beach trip next month. Life is good. That being said, why am I so moody? I am taking Celexus at night. It helps me rest and I suppose it helps my moods, not sure. Anyway like today, everything was going good. I talk to a friend who I think alot of that has a tumor in his head. They havnt got the results back on weather it is cancer or not. It is causeing him to have seizures. Dr said he cant drive anymore. Im trusting that he will be ok. Anyway its like after I talk to him and his wife my mood changes. Kinda sad but more grumpy. But this isnt the 1st time. And my mood can just change for no reason. If u need to know my age I am 42. I am not married. No kids. My dad passed in 2006. Mom in 2012. I have a half brother that is in prison that yes he agervates me. I try not to let him get under my skin but sometimes I just wanna scream. He has a daugter thats married and has a child and sometimes she will call on me to send her money. I know family helps family. I dont mind I just feel like at times Im being used. Maybe not. Anyway when my parents passed, I was left the house even tho I didnt want it. I tryed to talk them into selling it and moving into an apartment years ago but they wanted me to have it. So I have it. It is a big responsblity keeping everything up. Financially and physically. But I get it done, even if I do pay someone to help. I injuryed my back in 2009. I have a 75% compressed vertabrate and a bulging disk. The only treatment I seek is I have pain pills and I go see chiropractor and also sometimes go for a massage. Anyway now that you know my life history so to speak and Ive wrote a book so to speak all and all life is going pretty good. So why am I grumpy and angry and moody? Janet