I am an 81 year old lady, who has varicose veins in my legs, lymphedema in one and a lot of spider veins in my foot. My circulation in my legs is not good. I also just was diagnosed with afib and my heart doctor wants me to start taking a blood thinner. I have had several vein surgeries on my legs, and one of my ankles has a big red tender spot, that the dr. was worried about becoming an open sore and abscess. I also have moderate kidney disease. I am fearful of going on a blood thinner, will this make my varicose veins worse? My dr. says I will bruise easily. I also understand the blood thinner would be good in my case to help prevent a stroke, with a blood clot hitting my brain. What are the chances of me having internal bleeding? I am an active person, who can still take care of my lawn. I am hesitant to start blood thinners.