I am an active 52 year old woman, 148 lbs. For two years I have taken Cymbalta 60 mg/day for osteoarthritis pain, and one dose of Tramadol 100 mg/day for undiagnosed pain / weakness in my lower back and extremities. I was through a battery of tests including bloodwork, an EMG, MRI and Xrays by a Rheumatologist, Neurologist and a Pain Management doc. Other than the "normal arthritis" for my age showing in the Xrays, no one diagnosed anything, autoimmune or otherwise. When I wake in the morning, I have tingling and weakness in my arms, legs, hands, and feet. And pain / weakness in my lower back. The Cymbalta / Tramadol "cocktail" was discovered by chance to manage my daily symptoms. This morning I woke up, feeling like I had the flu ~ severe body aches, but not joint pain, and without any upper respiratory symptoms. I took my meds, which usually abate my discomfort in 40 mins.; not today. I showered, and it hurt my skin (almost like a minor sunburn) to wash with a shower net and to shave; it hurt my scalp to shampoo. My lower back ached like I had been smacked with a pipe. Again, all flu-like symptoms without sinus or cold discomfort. Out of desperation, I took 400 mg of Ibuprofin, and I went back to bed. When I woke 3 hours later, all the pain / discomfort was gone. It has been 5-1/2 hours since I took the Ibuprofin, and I do feel the achiness creeping back, but nothing like the Mack Truck feeling I had this morning. My neck is stiff with an achiness going down by shoulders. Could this be a flare up of some undiagnosed condition? Could it be "The Flu" without the respiratory component? If this continues, where might you recommend I go from here? Thank you ~ Theresa Hunt