I am an overall healthy female - age 41. Previous blood work about 18 - 24 months ago was good, nothing unusual. Recently went through a lot of stress with a divorce - ate very little, slept very little and smoked a lot. Now I am on the other side - stopped smoking, started exercising and eating well. I felt bad - swollen face, forearms and calves that come and go along with bloating feeling with burping and gas. Went to the doctor and he drew blood. My HDL is 175, my LDL is 78, My Triglycerides are 85. My Progesterone is .3. I have not had my period in 10 months. My doctor put me on estrogen gel for 1 month and then took e off a week ago because I was not sleeping. I just don't feel good. Tightness is my extremities due to the swelling and if I eat anything or not eat I feel burping and indigestion. Please Help!!