I am completely deaf in my left ear. I have 60% hearing loss in my right ear. I have otosclerosis. I had stapedectomy surgeries on both ears around the age of 5. I had gradual loss over time. Around age 20 I had a Revision Surgery on my Left ear. I suffered from anxiety and depression for years due to my hearing issues. Two years ago, today, I woke up deaf in my left ear. I had a bad ear infection and was so sick. I couldn't see straight, everything was spinning. Couldn't walk. Couldn't eat without puking. So hear I am today, still fighting my insurance company for a hearing aid. Profound mixed HL left ear, 60% mild sloping to moderately-severe mixed HL loss right ear, vertigo, and tinnitus... Which has lead to bipolar depression, anxiety, migraines, and now the loss of hours at work... I need help... And I have no idea where to turn. Please... Any suggestions???