I am concerned for my health. I am 23 years old, and I need advice, as to the steps I should take in regards to my symptoms. I suffer from chronic headaches, it feels like I have leather straps bound around my head, from one temple to the other (the tension holding throughout the stretch [of one temple to the other, extending across the back of my head; this tension is especially felt in the back of my head] and I have a paralytic-numbness and tingling sensations). My right ear is under pressure. I am constantly tired, waking up is a hassle, my mind spirals out of control, and I easily confuse myself. I have mood swings, and a predisposition to "snap" is heavily present. I'm usually short of breath, suffer from (almost) daily diarrhea, and I catch whiffs of strong body odor emitted from my body. External objects can seem hazy, and fleet-y to my eye. When malaise first took hold, a year ago, I tended to get sick repetitively (once every two weeks for a span of maybe six months [without exaggeration]). Throat infection would introduce themselves often (Strep throat [Streptococcus?]). Hair loss, might be another contributive symptom of whatever it is that I might have? Doctors tell me its hereditary, but I disagree, my hair began to diminish once these symptoms became prominent. I'm thinking bacterial infection or fungal infection (does fungal infection presuppose bacterial infection?), maybe correlated with my Nervous system. I'm worried, and everyday is a struggle with my headaches, and my abdominal muscles tend to twitch. I must admit that I, at around, before, I began to feel these symptoms, (a year and a half ago or more) had ingested a small dosage of fungal mushrooms (as much as I am embarrassed to admit). I've received a Brain Scan and nothing shows, what should, can, I do? With all sincerity.