I am currently being treated for a work place injury to my lower lumbar region. X-rays, CT scan, and a mylograham all have been fairly unremarkable except at the L-4/L5 that shows Spondylosis(sic) along with a previous dx of Degenerative Disc disease. I have had problems with my Cervical with a fusion at C5/C6 approximately 16 years ago, followed by a Cervical Stimulater and, a tendon transfer of my left hand /wrist (I had been told that the 2 were not related, however I am still not convinced ). MRI is not an option due to the stim, however the Neurologist did perform an EMG again unremarkable, except for the last needle placed on the calf of my Left leg that indicates impingement. This Neurologist did have the Mylograham done on my Full Spine as he was not convinced either, that all of these things weren't related. The Scan shows marked deterioration of the Cervical spine, and I have not heard the details of said scan. Sorry for the long-winded explanation but, somehow I feel that there's something missing in the DX, I have had issues with pain for about 20 years and it is specific and Generalized, muscle spasms, cramping, IBS, problems with sleep and a bevy of other things. Which leads me to the questions 1) Is it possible, for the Cervical Spine, to be the root cause of my Lower back/leg issues ( Pain, numbness, burning sensation that covers the outside 1/2 of my Right leg down to include the last 3 toes)?
2) Is there a possibility that all of my different issues can be under one umbrella?
I know that I am not crazy but, at the same time I can't say I don't come across as a massive Hypochondriac. I would probably think that of someone if they told me these things were part of their daily lives. Any insight into what is happening with my situation will be greatly appreciated.