I am experiencing a rash of the side off my buttocks that is similar to a rash that I had about 4 to 5 years ago on the other side of my body right above the waistline. When I went to the doctor back then, I was diagnosed with shingles. Years later, I go to a different doctor and he says it looks like herpes. I sometimes get cold sores, however, for the past year or so, whenever I would get std testing, it would be negative. I even got tested twice this year and the results were negative. He took a sample from the lesion and he said it came back positive for both types of hsv but he also took a blood sample to be sure. I'm wondering if it's possible that it could still be shingles because they pretty much fall all under the same category? I'm just a little worried about the hsv2 being positive when I've never experienced any breakouts on my gentian area...