I am female, age 70, have been in excellent health. It is time right now for my annual physical. I do take one little pill, the generic of Celexa, and one of the side effects is sweating. However, I have been on that pill about 5-6 years at a low doseage. It seems in recent months, however, I break out with these sweating moments more often. Can stress bring them on more often? We have our condo up for sale, and we are in the midst of showing it and looking for another home in a nearby city. In addition, I do have a part-time/seasonal job, but I have been off since after Father's Day. I mentioned this (sweating) to my general practitioner, and she said that sweating was one of the more frequent side effects of the pill I am taking. Should I be concerned? By the way, I am very active physically.