I am going in Tuesday to have an esophageal Stent removed. It will have been placed for 4 weeks. I have endured severe pain during the first week, then less and less as time went by, but seldom have I been pain free. What can I expect when the Stent is removed. I'm sorry but I don't know the name of the manufacturer. My doctor told me it was a size 18 Stent. He told me most of the pain during the first week was due to the expansion outward toward the esophageal walls. The purpose for the Stent was not cancer, but due to a continuous collapsing of the esophageous. It was very difficult to swallow food, as well as water. Water would not pass if food was ahead of it. Dr said the esophageas Was so twisted the Stent would not pass. I believe they used air to open it up to eventually place the Stent. My concern now is the removal. I believe he collapses the Stent with rat tooth pliers, but has tissue attached itself to the Stent? Are there dangers associated with the removal