I am going to be 25 years old in march, i have always had irregular menstrual cycles and terrible cramping that accompanies my cycle when it comes, currently i have not had a cycle in a little over a year. My last visit to the obgyn was in April of last year(2016) and said everything looked and tested normal and put me on a medication to force me into a short cycle to be sure i was ovulating which did in fact work. But since then i have had some troubles with money and can't afford to go see my ob about a current issue i am having. About a week and a half ago when my bf and i were being intimate, with deep penetration in a certain position, i had a stabbing pain in my right lower abdomen and about 2 days after and ever since, i have had a light cramping my lower abdomen/pelvic region that comes and goes and is similar to menstrual cramps but not nearly as severe. I have had no blood accompanied with these cramps, so i don't believe it is my menstrual cycle. I have done a lot of research online thats says this could mean anything from pregnancy, to cysts, to cancer. i just need some clarification on what to do.. should i be concerned enough to take this to the emergency room, should i wait it out and hope its nothing, or could i be in early stage of pregnancy?