I am in severe pain everywhere from fibromyalgia. The right side of my body is always in spasm. My neck always, lumbar spasm has shown on MRI for over7 yrs & now my right arm, wrist , hand , shoulders, midback & legs always have to be elevated. I have Factor II & Sjogren's & my PCP put me on Hydrocodone 5-325 mg which I only take at night as I toss & turn because of the pain. Cannot get comfortable & wake up with more pain & more tired than when I went to be. I have been to Pioneer Sports & Spine had some physical therapy , no help, neurologist told me to go to a Shrine, Rheumatologist told me to take Quinine for the Sjogren's but didn't even address the fibro. I have to take Diazpem 5 mg at least 2-3 times a day & I stretch it. It is the only muscle relaxant that helps a little, The others make me too sleepy & dizzy. Tried stopping everything & tried Gabapentin but feet swelled up terribly & made the neuropathy in my feet worse. I just keep getting worse & have no quality of life. I have IBS with constipation. My PCP just passed away last wk & we are without a PCP have to get our records & find another PCP. Mercy Medical Group is not helping us at all. No one will refill the Hydrocodone & most of the PCP's I called are either not taking pts or have no apts. until Dec. I am an LPN who misses working & traveling, riding horses, walking is even painful because of foot pain. I guess the PCP's are sending pts to Pain Management but I have seen Rheumatologist, Neurologist, & a couple Pysiatrists that basically say I have to live with it. I am very sensitive to medication & cannot tolerate the side effects of the anitdepressants. I had good response with Elavil when I was much younger but can't take it now, Cymbalta did nothing, Paxil makes me nauseous & gives me headaches , Lexapro did nothing & was horrible coming off it with the shock sensations, even Zoloft which gave me the least side effects gives me headaches. Of course there isn't a day in my life that I don't have a tension or migraine headache. My family has a history of depression & I have PTSD from abuse from my brother when I was in my teens up until he moved out . I have been in therapy on & off since I was an adult. What should I do. I can't stand living this way . I recently saw ENT because of hoarseness & choking & had speech eval that both ENT & speech said they think it is all from the tight muscles in my neck.