I am just recovering from the cold/flu-like symptoms and I noticed that the 10 days I was sick, my bowels were not the same. I live in a chronic state of constipation. However, for the last two weeks, I have had soft stools/bowel movements 2 or 3x/day. At first, I did not think anything of it and even thought perhaps that's the "healthy" eating and antibiotics I was taking. But, now that I am better and back to my routine, I am now having diarrhea after every meal/drink. And...to top it off, the colors are from one extreme to the other and I do not believe anyone has had a longer stool than me. Its incredible I am not eating that much for a 12 inch yellow stool to come out of me. Not to mention, the abdominal cramping is painful. Is this a case of Giardia?