I am just wondering if there is any possible correlation between some health issues I have dealt with regarding precancer and cancer. I am currently 46 years old and about 16 years ago, I had moderate cervical dysplasia that was treated with a LEEP. About half my cervix had to be removed and I know from testing it was definitely not caused by HVP virus. I have never smoked, rarely drink, etc. At age 45, I was diagnosed with DCIS grade 3 with comedonecrosis and some other features that make it considered to be agressive. I've been told there is usually not a correlation between cervical and breast cancers. I do also have MTHFR, so not sure if that has anything to do with getting both problems. Also, I have a strong immediate family history of various cancers (very agressive and fatal metastatic colon; mom, prostate; grandfather and dad, metastatic kidney cancer; sibling, breast precancer; aunt, very aggressive metastatic and fatal ovarian cancer; great aunt). My questions is this: Is it possibly just an unlucky coincidence that my body made precancerous and cancerous cells in nonrelated areas or could there still be some factor that means my body is just determined to get cancer? Thanks.