I am long term pain management patient with multiple diagnoses,but mainly Degenerative Osteoarthritis since 1994.All of my Doctors at this point in life seem to think that the slipped capital femoral epiphysis (at age 11) that surfaced in 1980-81 is related to the arthritic conditions I have now. I can see how that may be possible to think that way,but I have to say "I do not agree". Any thoughts on that corellation? Also,right now I think I may be trying to pass a kidney stone. I have never had one before so I don't know what that would feel like, other than the extreme pain other people tell me aboutI am experiencing. In addition to the pain, there is some blood on toilet paper, I keep well hydrated normally and rarely feel "thirsty" however I do make a point to drink at least 2 quarts a day.My pain is sharp with any type of movement, so I am trying now to do anything to flare it up. My main concern is the medications that I am currently on by my pain management Dr., and steady in buy a gaimll with times of severe pain in my lower back/sacrum. My L4-5 to S-1. The pain comes and goes, but I'm sure that's because I'm taking my medicaton. The pain goes from left to right across from hip to hip. The heating pad helps when combined with the heat.