I am seeing an ENT for the last two months complaining of numbness on the left side of my face due to having a clogged ear due to wax. The first visit the doctor removed the wax. All the symptoms in my ear and my face disappeared. However, four days later I had the symptoms back. Again I made an appointment and this time the doctor told me that it wasn't wax that he removed but it was skin tissue. He called it Keratosis Obturans. He told me that it was all out and that h'll see me in 6 months. After four days, again my symptoms reappeared. Again I made another appointment. Again he removed more tissue, saying that it was the residual from last time. Again after four days, I have the symptoms back. My question is, do I have Keratosis Obturans or is it something that may be cancerous. What can I do to cure my problem ? Is there a surgery that can cure this problem or do I have to live like this forever and continue to go back to the ENT every week. Also, are there drops I can take to remove the skin tissue out from my ear ? Please advise. Thanks