I am tring to find information on chronic recative pain disorder . I was mis diagnosed with fibromiagia, my fibrodis are fine its my nerves that hurt . tingleing bearly feel limbs ,like someone is constantly squeezing me. neck pain back pain si. pain , under rib pain like a knife from my back left shoulder blade to front cheast/ribs, my acuputurist said it is reactive to my centeral nervous system , changed diet over a year ago lost 100 lbs. now at weight of 190 lbs. it hurts to b.m. in my back so I avoid eating at times its so bad now. currently taking turmeric,local honey, ibuprofen, vitamins,and now celeobix, acupunture chiropractor nartopath m.d. and nurologist, neurosurgoen upcoming at end of month..I know you cant put licence at risk but I am not looking to you for treatment but knowledge ,thank you for your time ,Angela Faith