I am trying to find out if I am pregnant or not, because I am 5 days early to my period. I have been sleeping all the time, nausea, I feel like I have to pee a lot, but I can't go the pee, constipated, sore breast every now and then, exhausted at times, bloating, mood swings, and at first I had pink and brown spotting. Then it turned in to a heavy flow but not enough to say it was my period. Abdomen hurt just a little but there was cramping in my lower back pretty bad. Today I am barley bleeding now but it more brown and red. I feel nausea on and off, bloated, clothes feel tight, it feels like my muscle in my chest are hurting/ sore, moody, and tired. I don't know if I could go to the doctor of not cause I can barely use the bathroom now.