I am type 2, controlled with LCHF diet and exercise only. A1c is 5.4% I had a corticosteroid shot in my shoulder today and was given a Novolog flex pen and a sliding scale dosage sheet for humulin. I was instructed to go by the low dosage if my BG goes up. Check 30 minutes before eating and then dose. When I noticed the different insulin on the sheet than what I was givenI was hesitant to take any. As I said I eat LCHF (less than 30 grams of carbs per day and maybe 8-10 for supper) My BG has been rising since the injection this morning, 92 Fasting, no lunch, before supper 169, 1 hour PP 171, 2 hours PP 182, and now 3 hours PP, 194. I'm at work and looking for advice to ride it out a little longer or go ahead and follow the sliding scale sheet.