I appear to have developed chronic constipation. I am suffering with anxiety also. My symptoms are that I am clogged up. My doctor recommended I take Movicol. I took this for 3 days and it softened my stools, but I had severe cramping and it became so severe, I went to local hospital. I was given a rectal examination and was told it was normal. They advised to continue wit Movicol as it would not have adverse reactions. I went to my doctor and she has sent me for an ultrasound. My concern is I don't want to rely on Movicol, as I have a very good diet. I eat fruit, Vegetables, bran, drink lots of water. I I have been sent for an ultrasound, but do not have my results yet. My question is how long should I persevere with the Movicol as I don't want to rely on it. I am a fit 60 year old woman, who walks every day, eats healthy food. Any other suggestions would be appreciated