I believe i am beyond help. But here goes... I suffer from sever pain.. I not only get migraines but the past three and 1/2 years i get occipital headaches. I have pain that goes down into my back. I got persistent postnasal drainage w/ a nasty taste, my equailibrium is off, my ears have a full filling to them regularly and hurt alot. i get ear aches alot, sore throat regular. My neurologist is a joke (looking for a new one) all he wants to do is keep telling me that theres nothing wrong with me and keep prescribing me Prednisone (and that don't help me, it just makes me mean). He has me on Verapamil 40mg. 1 tab. 2x a day, Magnesium Oxide 400mg. 1 tab. 2x a day, Topiramate 100mg. 1 1/2 tab. a day and Sumatriptan 100mg at the on set of migraine and none of it helps me. I also get 36 shots of botox to my head and neck every 3 months, I get 24 to 48 hours of relief from that.
To top it all off I tore two ligaments in my left ankle Sept 19,2015 and am being told that there is no surgery to fix them.... yay me.......