I can't seem to get my ears unplugged. I've googled what to do, and most people seem to think it's something that will run its course and eventually go away. Worse case scenario would be to go to the doctor, but I really can't afford that right now. So, I've been going through the list of remedies that claim to work, but so far, none of them have been effective. The valsalva maneuver makes them pop, and it seems to move something around in the middle ear, but it doesn't stay that way. It just pops back in place. I don't blow too hard, as I've read that can cause serious problems. Then I tried a hot steaming bath for as long as I had hot water. Then I gargled with warm salt water. The I mixed up equal parts of apple cider vinegar and alcohol and put a few drops of that in one ear at a time, waited ten minutes, then drained. I have also been using nose drops and throat spray. Then I put on a kettle of water and put my face in the steam bath with a towel over my head, for about 10 to 15 minutes. Let's see...I also used warm water and flushed with a syringe leaning over the sink for run off. None of those things have worked, though I kept thinking they might have been improving matters. I seem to have more gurgling and popping than I did before, which might mean things are loosening. I did the vinegar/alcohol thing three times per ear, over the course of the day. that one seemed to suggest that it was going to kill infection the most, whereas the others only flushed or maybe loosened. Anyway, my ears are still blocked, sounds are muddled, and it's very frustrating.