I did about .33 grams of methamphetamine over the course of Thursday-Monday last week and I am noticing damages that it has done to my body. I'm pretty sure that the purity was lackluster and that is part of what made the impact so severe for consuming so little. I snorted approximately .15 grams, smoked .7 and ingested maybe .10 grams in capsules. Since Sunday, I noticed that pretty much everything in my throat was swollen and I had seen my tonsils for the first time. I noticed a sort of white ball in a hole in the side of my throat(a tonsil stone in a crypt in my tonsil) and I had no idea what it was at the time and immediately felt sick by the sight of it and was very concerned for my health. I didn't know that it was my tonsil and I couldn't imagine what the white thing was. I thought that the Meth tore holes into my throat and I had no idea what the white thing was. I have since quit my consumption and tried to fight the infection. I am just curious if you could give me any ideas for a course of treatment of the inflammation. I have removed 3 small tonsil stones since. I also smoke cigarettes, which I am sure that is going to contribute to the build up of tonsil stones but it's incredibly hard to break that addiction. I am mainly concerned about the tonsil stones. I just want to know of like a regimen that would fight infection, reduce the inflammation and remove any tonsil stones. Basically, I want my throat back to normal lol I don't want to ever have to worry about removing tonsil stones so I can leave that shit alone without worrying about one getting large enough for surgical removal and I really don't want any forming at all.