I did not fall nor bend my foot but for some reason I woke up and felt pain on my left foot , specifically on the middle. I had an x-ray and my doctor revealed that there was no visible injury but how come I feel pain when I walk. He is not an orthopedic doctor, he is an internal medicine doctor. He told me that it might be a ligamental sprain. I visited my doctor because my right foot had gout and blood test showed my uric acid was elevated. Since I cannot use my right foot in normal walking I used crutches to walk and I use my left foot to help me walk also. I have been soaking my foot in Epsom salt, which helps but I can still feel the pain in the middle. My gout on my right foot is much, much better now because I am taking medicine to lower my uric acid and I can use my right foot now but I still have the pain onmy left foot. Why do I still have pain, its been over 2 weeks now since. Please help. Thank you very much.