I do not have any symptoms of bronchitis, except some times I feel tired because I suffer from insomnia. My chest x-ray in mid July this year showed I have fine nodules at base of both lungs and a nodule of 5 mm around the second rib lung area. I could not trust going to have another x-ray or this report or consulting doctors, some how my voice was worsening intermittently only become better after a while not speaking. My x-ray report in Aug/2013 & long years ago are unremarkable. There is a cellulous on the bottom left side of my left foot, at this time and my bowel movements have become softer and lighter in colour recently. I just have a TB positive skin test of 12 mm prior to the mid July chest x-ray. My appetite is still very good and I have to decrease eating to cut down gaining weight. There is a lot of stress and aggravations in daily life. My eating is very healthy.
*p.s. is this consultation free? I am a pensioner, have very very little income, but still not 60 yet.