I feel like I've swallowed down the wrong pipe, like there is always something stuck. If I talk or take a deep breath I will cough and cough until I sometimes throw up, but usually is non-productive. Cold water seems to irritate it also. And if I talk very much I go hoarse and eventually can hardly hear me. I don't have a cold, normally do not have allergies, don't appear to have drainage. But I cough so hard my upper chest burns like I've maybe pulled muscles. This has been going on since first part of September. I'm also very short of breath, no energy, and fall asleep whenever I sit still very long. Not sick, but just don't feel good. Dr did give me a puffer thing, which seems to cause me to cough more when I use it. Have tried allergy pills, cough drops, lemon water, cough medicine, gargled. I do have Gerds, for over 20 years, but take Zantac and am careful with foods I eat and times I eat them. Any help would be appreciated.