I fell from the roof of my house onto a cemented patio. I landed on my butt maily and partlally my lower back. Minutes After the shock of the impact I was able to stand up, walk and even went for a bicycle with minimum pain. Then, during the night I could not sleep for the pain in my right thigh. I noticed on the mirror that my left buttock was pitch black from the impact. After several days of pain in my lower back and right thigh, I visited my family doctor. She sent me for X-rays. After she review my x-rays she send me for an MRI. After reviewing the MRI results she said no fractures nor nerve damage can be found. Nevertheless, the pain in my thigh has increased to a intolerable discomfort. Even though my doctor said that nothing seems to be wrong except the after muscle soreness of the fall, I am concerned that something terrible wrong in my thigh is going on. After all, it has been over 21 days of pain. what do you think?