I got a very minor superficial cut ( was not bleeding and no visual blood appeared ) around an inch length on my neck with the straight razor while getting my hair cut in a hair cutting saloon. The barber has changed the blade before he used it on me, also he wiped the straight razor with his fingers by applying a spray of water ( around 3 to 4 ml) on it.
After this cut happened, immediately in about 10 to 11 minutes I rushed to my home and cleaned the cut area on my neck with the surgical spirit 2 times and then applied Betadine ( providine iodine ).
Now my concerns are
1. If the straight razor is contaminated with some blood of previous person ( say HIV or Hepatitis C etc ) and by putting very small quantity of water on the razor and wiping with fingers, I am sure if any blood stains were there, it might not have got cleaned properly and due to water wetness, the contaminated water would have reached the newly changed blade edge and at the time of the cut happened on my neck, is there any scope to enter any infection at the cut site.
2. As I have cleaned the cut area with surgical spirit and Betadine ( providine iodine ) with in 10 minutes, does all the bacteria / viruses if any entered the skin will die or not ?
3 Is there any risk of infection ?