I had RNY gastric Bypass in 2007. I slacked on my vitamins for awhile, but have much improved. I am 56 years old, I lost 100 lbs, I am 5'5" and weigh between 170-177. I am asthmatic on Breo 100/25 one puff daily & take 10 mg of ambien nightly for sleep. I have been told I have reactive hypoglycemia. My fasting glucose was 83 & my A1c was 6.1. the only abnormalities on my bloodwork were Total Iron 32 %Iron sat 7.0 , Hemaglobin 11.0 hematocrit 34.6 MCV 24.8. My MD said Iron Deficient Anemia & put me on Iron daily. I have bruising on my forearms like I take coumadin or aspirin, which I don't take EVER. He said to stop taking Ambien which I tried for 2 weeks, & nothing changed, except my trouble sleeping. The bruising never stopped, & the "dumping syndrome", "reactive hypoglycemia is getting worse. When I lay down @ night, I get up SEVERAL times to urinate, always a steady stream, no burning. But I urinate more at night then during the day. I try to drink 32 oz of water or more daily. I am always tired, I take 1cc of b12 q weekly im.......I take a multivatamin , Vitamin c (500) & iron (65) daily...
Please help... I feel like something is very wrong...