I had a pnenmococcal 23 8 days ago. My arm immediately became weeak and tender. During the night arm was so painful I could not touch or move arm. It seems to better at times, but often I awake with such arm pain that I can not push myself up in bed. Heat helps, but the problem continues and sometimes, it is so painful I'm almost in tears. I notice weakness is that that arm (L), pain down the left side of my back, pain under my arm, all of these are transient-come and go. I have tried arm exercises, mucscle relaxants, etc. I did have a low grade fever day 3. I thought I was getting better but awoke this morning and pain is awful. I received a flu shot at same time. I had a small bruise, but no pain at all. This shot has almost no bruise even though it feels like it should be black, blue, purple, green, etc. I am not seeing any continuous improvement and at times like today it seems worse. I really don't want a subscription service, but found lots of people have similar reactions. I'm at day 8 so hopefully 4 more days and this will be over. I remember my son complaining when he was young that his leg hurt too bad to walk after an injection. I just called and apologized to him. It hurts at 65 so I can't imagine a 3 year olds discomfort. If this don't improve, I'll see a neurologist, and perhaps get a MRI to see if there is any tendon damage. I can't believe one little shot can be so bad. I have had spinal blocks without anesthesia which are nothing compared to this