I had a severe displaced pelvis from a motor vehicle accident four years ago. A physiotherapist recommended to me by a Pain Management Specialist in Vancouver referred me to a Physiotherapist. He, through long needles, longer than needles used for acupuncture, released the tendon involved in the piriformis muscle. I could actually feel and hear the snap when the tendon was released. But that was December and the pain is still bad. The muscle is still swollen and extremely painful to massage or even the pressure of sitting on it ... which is the centre of the buttock naturally. I know the sciatic nerve either runs underneath the periformis muscle or over the top of it. I have tried acupuncture, kinesiology, continuous physiotherapy and massage therapy. Even got desperate enough to try prolotherapy, which exacerbated the tight muscle. I had to attend the naturopath at the same clinic for injections of my own red blood cells back into my body. I has such severe reactions to this I had to go back to him on three occasions and have him inject (17 injections at a time) of a corticosteroid and B12 in an attempt to alleviate the muscle in spasm. He indicated I had won the award for the tightest piriformis muscle. I was in agony, and yet still bought his B12 liquid drops and some cream.
Must mention before this I had a medical misadventure with this diagnosis about 3 1/2 years ago. I went to the Pain Clinic near Vancouver where they performed Radio Frequency Lesioning on the Ischial tuberosity and the piriformis area. They suspected the trapped nerve was coming from the spine. I had numerous BURNS or Radio Frequency Lesionings of these areas without relief. I was beginning to feel I was nuts, and they were going to write me off as prolonged chronic pain. As a retired nurse I knew I was not imagining things, and something was desperately wrong. I spent most of the three years lying down and trying to walk and do stretch exercises, but it became more severe as the years went by.
BUT, they never examined my pelvic bones, and the MRI I had done was on the spine
and not the pelvic bones. It was not until I saw this Pain Specialist in Vancouver that he found out that I had a displaced pelvis. With a great pain he managed to put the displaced pelvis. He asked me to turn around and the pelvis went back to being displaced. (Amazingly, the very first physiotherapist I went to four years ago said I had a displaced pelvis and he tried taping it. At 84 pounds I just slipped through the belt or the rack. I then had him put the pelvis back into place and walked down the hall, and it was out again. That is how he reached the conclusion of a severe displaced pelvis, and referred me to this "special physiotherapist" that was not only expensive it was miles to travel. I have been seeing him since last December when he did the deep needle procedure to put the pelvis back into place. It has slipped out of position on two occasions since last December. I am finished with the physiotherapist at the end of October and do not know what to do. Do I go to a specialist and have Botox injections into the Sciatic nerve; could it be the Sciatic nerve giving me problems now. I have no pain down the back of my leg which I thought was a symptom of Sciatica. I have pain in my right knee and ankle (referred pain) and of course my right buttock or piriformis muscle, and the ischial tuberosity. I understand when someone is rear-ended while they are sitting at a stop sign waiting to turn left (like I was) and saw the car coming and heard the squeal of her brakes, that slamming on the brake so hard one actually sits up off the seat and this is what caused the pelvic displacement. The Anaesthetologists at the Pain Clinic had red faces when they found out I had a severely displaced right pelvis. I am at my wits end. I am faithfully following all the stretching exercises, walking twice daily, exercising, not gaining weight, scared to go back to the Naturopath who did the Prolotherapy because it exacerbated the condition. I honestly do not know where to go from here. Do I see a Neurologist, Neurosurgeon. Have seen one before who told me nothing was wrong. The plain X-Ray of my pelvis two months ago was negative. Is this something that is just going to take time.... or is this me forevermore? I am 67 years old, but before this I was a jogger every day before I went to work as a nurse. I do have celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis but this should not involve these muscles. I also damaged my neck at the C2-3 area, which they were only too happy to do Radio Freqeuency Lesioining on. It did not work that well either.... after months of treatment. I cannot take anti-inflammatories any more because my kidney function went down to 34 %. Aren't I a puzzle and a ruddy mess. And all I did was sit at a stop sign waiting to turn left.
I don't know how much this is going to cost me, but believe me we have paid thousands of dollars already and I am no better off. I am taking Supereudol suppositories (really Percocet) for the pain. I cannot live without it which means I am addicted to it. I try to lengthen the time between taking the suppositories as long as I can bear it. I am awake most of the night. Why do I take suppositories instead of pills? Because of the malabsorption problem to do with the celiac disease. I still get the occasional outbreak of DH because of accidentally ingessting gluten, even after all these years.
Boy! What a long story I am telling you, but trying to give you the facts. By the way I originally transferred from the original physiotherapist because my doctor advised me to go to a sports medicine woman at another clinic. But four years ago that physiotherapist knew I had a displaced pelvis but could not get it to move into place. I went to physiotherapy two days ago and my pelvis had slipped out of position "a little" he said. I am naturally depressed, not normally a depressed person, but this is really getting me down.
Respectully, and hopefully
Yvonne (Vonnie) Mostat YYYY@YYYY